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Python Magic methods

Initialization and Representation

__init__(self, ...): Object constructor, initializes the object.
__del__(self): Object destructor, called when the object is about to be destroyed.
__repr__(self): Defines the "official" string representation of an object, used by repr() and in debugging.
__str__(self): Defines the "informal" string representation of an object, used by str() and print().

Attribute Access

__getattr__(self, name): Called when an attribute is accessed that doesn't exist in the instance's __dict__.
__getattribute__(self, name): Called unconditionally when an attribute is accessed.
__setattr__(self, name, value): Called when an attribute assignment is attempted.
__delattr__(self, name): Called when an attribute deletion is attempted.
__dir__(self): Called by dir() to provide a list of attributes of an object.

Item Access and Management

__getitem__(self, key): Called to retrieve an item using square bracket notation.
__setitem__(self, key, value): Called to set an item using square bracket notation.
__delitem__(self, key): Called to delete an item using square bracket notation.
__contains__(self, item): Called to check membership using in and not in.

Iteration and Length

__iter__(self): Returns an iterator object, used in for loops.
__next__(self): Returns the next item from the iterator.
__len__(self): Returns the length of the container.
__reversed__(self): Returns an iterator for the reversed sequence.

Arithmetic Operations

__add__(self, other): Implements addition (+).
__sub__(self, other): Implements subtraction (-).
__mul__(self, other): Implements multiplication (*).
__matmul__(self, other): Implements matrix multiplication (@).
__truediv__(self, other): Implements true division (/).
__floordiv__(self, other): Implements floor division (//).
__mod__(self, other): Implements modulo (%).
__divmod__(self, other): Implements divmod().
__pow__(self, other[, modulo]): Implements exponentiation (**).
__lshift__(self, other): Implements left bitwise shift (<<).
__rshift__(self, other): Implements right bitwise shift (>>).
__and__(self, other): Implements bitwise AND (&).
__xor__(self, other): Implements bitwise XOR (^).
__or__(self, other): Implements bitwise OR (|).

Reverse Arithmetic Operations

These methods are called when the left operand does not support the corresponding operation and the operands are of different types.

__radd__(self, other), __rsub__(self, other), __rmul__(self, other), etc.

In-Place Arithmetic Operations

__iadd__(self, other): Implements in-place addition (+=).
__isub__(self, other): Implements in-place subtraction (-=).
__imul__(self, other): Implements in-place multiplication (*=).
__imatmul__(self, other): Implements in-place matrix multiplication (@=).
__itruediv__(self, other): Implements in-place true division (/=).
__ifloordiv__(self, other): Implements in-place floor division (//=).
__imod__(self, other): Implements in-place modulo (%=).
__ipow__(self, other[, modulo]): Implements in-place exponentiation (**=).
__ilshift__(self, other): Implements in-place left bitwise shift (<<=).
__irshift__(self, other): Implements in-place right bitwise shift (>>=).
__iand__(self, other): Implements in-place bitwise AND (&=).
__ixor__(self, other): Implements in-place bitwise XOR (^=).
__ior__(self, other): Implements in-place bitwise OR (|=).

Unary Operations

__neg__(self): Implements unary negation (-self).
__pos__(self): Implements unary positive (+self).
__abs__(self): Implements abs().
__invert__(self): Implements bitwise inversion (~self).

Comparison Operators

__lt__(self, other): Implements less than (<).
__le__(self, other): Implements less than or equal to (<=).
__eq__(self, other): Implements equality (==).
__ne__(self, other): Implements inequality (!=).
__gt__(self, other): Implements greater than (>).
__ge__(self, other): Implements greater than or equal to (>=).

Type Conversion

__int__(self): Implements int().
__float__(self): Implements float().
__complex__(self): Implements complex().
__bool__(self): Implements bool().
__index__(self): Implements type conversion to an integer for slicing.
__round__(self, n): Implements round().

Context Management

__enter__(self): Defines what the object should do at the beginning of a with statement.
__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): Defines what the object should do at the end of a with statement.

Callable Objects

__call__(self, ...): Makes an instance callable like a function.

Copy and Deepcopy

__copy__(self): Implements shallow copy of the object.
__deepcopy__(self, memo): Implements deep copy of the object.

Additional Methods

__format__(self, format_spec): Implements format specification.
__hash__(self): Implements hashing, used in sets and dictionaries.
__sizeof__(self): Returns the size of the object in memory.
