

Swift 作用域 global scope 变量和常量 // 定义变量和常量, 自动推导类型 var myVariable = 42 let myConstant = 42 // 指定类型 let implicitInteger = 70 let implicitDouble = 70.0 let explicitDouble: Double = 70 // 不支持隐式类型转换, 需要显示转换 let label = "The width is " let width = 94 let widthLabel = label + String(width) // 类型后面加上`?`, 标记这个值是可选的. 可以包含一个值或者nil va...

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Python Mac m1 pyenv install 2.7.18 是唯一支持m1平台的2代版本 3.9.1 是支持m1平台最小的版本 Cannot build 2.7.18 on Apple Silicon #2136 pyenv install 2.7.18 BUILD FAILED (OS X 12.3): ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64: “_Py_Main”, referenced from: _main in python.o #2283 Unable to use pyenv to install Python 3.7.0 in Mac Big Sur, no module named _s...

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Kotlin Type

Kotlin Type 打印对象类型 val obj: Double = 5.0 println(obj.javaClass.name) // double println(obj.javaClass.kotlin) // class kotlin.Double println(obj.javaClass.kotlin.qualifiedName) // kotlin.Double println(obj::clsss.simpleName) // kotlin.String? = Double 反射class对比 // kotlin class class Person...

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Javascript Client-side JavaScript - Web browsers Server-side JavaScript - Node.js JavaScript and Java are similar in some ways but fundamentally different in some others JavaScript has a prototype-based object model instead of the more common class-based object model. Basics Comments // a one line comment /* this is a longer, mu...

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CPP C++标准: ISO/IEC 14882:年份(2020) Reference The Standard C++ C++ Standard Draft Sources cplusplus Get Started with Win32 and C++ Google C++ Style Guide C++ Core Guidelines

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