

docker Dockerfile FROM amd64/python:3.10.14 WORKDIR /app ENV VIRTUAL_ENV = /env RUN python3 -m venv $VIRTUAL_ENV ENV PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH" RUN sed -i 's/deb.debian.org/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y RUN rm -f /etc/pip.conf RUN echo "...

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Oracle 数据导入导出

Oracle 数据导入导出 按用户导出可以导出索引, 序列, 存储过程, 分区等等 EXP // EXP导出整个数据库 exp full=y file=wholedb.dmp // EXP导出全库,不包括数据 exp full=y rows=n file=wholedb_without_data.dmp // EXP指令导出特定的表 exp tables=scott.emp,scott.dept file=scott.dmp // EXP指令导出当前用户的表 exp scott/scott tables=dept,emp file=current_user_data.dmp // EXP指令导出指定的用户 exp owner=scott file=scott.dm...

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kali 工具

kali 工具 kali-linux-all kali-linux-everything DNS whois host dig dnsenum C2 Cobalt Strke Social Engineering USB Rubber Ducky Reference

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macOS 恶意软件

macOS 恶意软件 r3.o.lencr.org 这是一个网络请求拦截, 重定向到广告的恶意软件 1. 怎么发现的 翻墙代理服务出问题, 查看日志发现这个域名在不停的请求 2. 跟踪是哪个进程 打开nettop 命令, 不操作别的, 可以看到/usr/libexec/trustd 发出的请求 经查询这个程序是可信程序, 用来验证域名证书. 所以要进一步查询是什么程序让trustd发出的验证请求 [R3 root certificate expired](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253256928) R3 好像是正规网站 r3.o.lencr.org 属于lencr.org 注册商是CloudFlare, Inc. ...

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ubuntu 18.04 install oracle dbms

查询 select name from v$database; select instance_name from v$instance; show parameter serive_name; show parameter serive_names; // 集群 show parameter name; 查看所有表大小 select segment_name, bytesfrom user_segmentswhere segment_type = ‘TABLE’; 查看表所在的表空间 analyze table test01 compute statistics; 查看所有表空间 select * from user_t...

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Install Nvidia Linux Driver

Install Nvidia Linux Driver disable nouveau Create a file sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf With the following contents: blacklist nouveau options nouveau modeset=0 Regenerate the kernel initramfs: sudo update-initramfs -u Finally, reboot: sudo reboot Reference Install NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu 18.04 ...

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Emmet Syntax Elements div -> <div></div> Nesting operators Child: > div>ul>li Sibling: + div+p+bq Climb-up: ^ div+div>p>span+em^^bq Multiplication: * ...

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Concepts headless web Headless web is a term used to describe a web application or website that does not have a user interface (UI) in the traditional sense. Instead of rendering HTML pages on the server and sending them to the client’s web browser to be displayed, a headless web application exposes its functionality through APIs (Applicati...

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