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Swift Memory

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), Swift使用ARC管理对象.

Strong Reference Cycles for Closures

Resolving Strong Reference Cycles for Closures

都不会ARC计算 区别: * weak 修改可选类型, 当对象被释放会设置nil * unowned 一直需要有值, 当对象被释放后再访问, 会有异常

Strong Reference Cycles for Closures

闭包中的强引用循环, 当对象得到一个闭包, 闭包中引用这个对象. 打破闭包中的强引用循环, 使用Capture List, 捕获列表是一系列weakunowned

	lazy var someClosure = {
			[unowned self, weak delegate = self.delegate]
			(index: Int, stringToProcess: String) -> String in
			// closure body goes here

Memory Safety


  1. 初始化前不能使用
  2. 销毁后不能使用
  3. 数组下标检查
  4. Swift会自动管理内存, 大多数时间不用想内存多重访问冲突问题

Characteristics of Memory Access


instantaneous accesses 瞬时访问, 访问中不会有任何代码. 本质上, 两个瞬时访问不会 同时发生. 大多数内存访问是瞬时的.

long-term accesses 长期访问, 访问有可能会与其他的long-term accesses或者instantaneout accesses 重叠overlap. 长期访问, 主要出现在fund输入输出参数, 或者mutating fund中.

atomic operations

An operation is atomic if it uses only C atomic operations; otherwise it’s nonatomic. For a list of those functions, see the stdatomic(3) man page.


Automatic Reference Counting
Memory Safety
Transitioning to ARC Release Notes
What Is the Difference Between Weak and Unowned References in Swift