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Kotlin Class

class Person { // } class Empty


// primary constructor, only one 
class Person constructor(firstName: String) { /*...*/ }

如果主构造函数没有什么注解和可见性修饰, 那么constructor可以忽略 主构造函数没有代码块, 可以写在init块中, init块可以有多个, 与在代码中的顺序一致, 与属性定义交错在一起 主构造函数定义的参数可以当属性使用, 可以有默认值

class Person(val pets: MutableList<Pet> = mutableListOf())

class Pet {
    constructor(owner: Person) {
        owner.pets.add(this) // adds this pet to the list of its owner's pets

定义Secondary constructors Secondary constructors, 如果主构造函数不为空, 那么最终需要调用主构造函数

class Person(val name: String) {
    val children: MutableList<Person> = mutableListOf()
    constructor(name: String, parent: Person) : this(name) {

init块会在第二构造函数前调用 如果非抽象类没有定义构造函数, 那么会创建默认的公共的无参的主构造函数

On the JVM, if all of the primary constructor parameters have default values, the compiler will generate an additional parameterless constructor which will use the default values. This makes it easier to use Kotlin with libraries such as Jackson or JPA that create class instances through parameterless constructors

Creating instances of classes

// Kotlin does not have a new keyword.
val invoice = Invoice()

Class members

Classes can contain:

Constructors and initializer blocks
Nested and inner classes
Object declarations

Abstract classes


abstract class Polygon {
    abstract fun draw()

class Rectangle : Polygon() {
    override fun draw() {
        // draw the rectangle


open class Polygon {
    open fun draw() {
        // some default polygon drawing method

abstract class WildShape : Polygon() {
    // Classes that inherit WildShape need to provide their own
    // draw method instead of using the default on Polygon
    abstract override fun draw()


Any是默认超类, 有三个方法equals(), hashCode(), toString() kotlin class 默认是final的, 使用open修饰可以继承, abstract默认是open的

open class Base(p: Int)
class Derived(p: Int) : Base(p)

如果派生类有主构造函数, 那么在主构造函数中需要初始化基类; 如果没有主构造函数, 那么每个第二构造函数都需要初始化基类.

class MyView : View {
    constructor(ctx: Context) : super(ctx)

    constructor(ctx: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(ctx, attrs)

// override
open class Shape { // 如果没有open, 类里的open不起作用
    open val vertexCount: Int = 0 // 属性重写跟方法一样
    open fun draw() { /*...*/ } 
    fun fill() { /*...*/ } // 没有open修饰, 不能重写

// 可以在主构造函数中使用`override`
class Circle() : Shape() {
    override var vertexCount = 4 // 可以使用var重写val, 不能反过来; 本质上val属性只有get方法, 改成var就是加上set方法
    final override fun draw() { /*...*/ } // override 默认是打开, final可以关闭, 子类不能重写该方法.

派生类初始化过程, 在基类中使用开放属性是不正确的, 因为基类初始化里派生类还没有初始化.

open class Base(val name: String) {

    init { println("Initializing a base class") }

    open val size: Int = 
        name.length.also { println("Initializing size in the base class: $it") }

class Derived(
    name: String,
    val lastName: String,
) : Base(name.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercase() }.also { println("Argument for the base class: $it") }) {

    init { println("Initializing a derived class") }

    override val size: Int =
        (super.size + lastName.length).also { println("Initializing size in the derived class: $it") }

使用super调用基类或者外部类的方法和属性, 指定外部类名称super@OuterClassName(super@FilledRectangle.draw())

如果派生类继承多个同样的(签名一样)成员, 那么派生类需要重写自己的成员(可以选择一个实现).

open class Rectangle {
    open fun draw() { /* ... */ }

interface Polygon {
    fun draw() { /* ... */ } // interface members are 'open' by default

class Square() : Rectangle(), Polygon {
    // The compiler requires draw() to be overridden:
    override fun draw() {
        super<Rectangle>.draw() // call to Rectangle.draw()
        super<Polygon>.draw() // call to Polygon.draw()


var 声明可变属性, val 声明不可变属性(没有setter方法)

var <propertyName>[: <PropertyType>] [= <property_initializer>]

var setterVisibility: String = "abc"
    private set // the setter is private and has the default implementation

var setterWithAnnotation: Any? = null
    @Inject set // annotate the setter with Inject

Backing fields, field是作为属性的一部分使用(在内存中保存值), field只能在accessors(getter, setter)中使用 Backing fields会自动生成field, 至少有一个默认的accessors, 或者有一个自定义accessors中使用field关键字

如果Backing fields不适合, 可以使用Backing properties

private var _table: Map<String, Int>? = null
public val table: Map<String, Int>
    get() {
        if (_table == null) {
            _table = HashMap() // Type parameters are inferred
        return _table ?: throw AssertionError("Set to null by another thread")

On the JVM: Access to private properties with default getters and setters is optimized to avoid function call overhead.

编译时常量, 编译时就可以确定值并且不变的, 用const修饰. 编译器会内联这个常量, 并且这个常量不会删除, 可以用反射获取 编译时常量需要满足下面的条件: * It must be a top-level property, or a member of an object declaration or a companion object. * It must be initialized with a value of type String or a primitive type * It cannot be a custom getter

非空属性需要在构造函数和之前初始化, 使用lateinit可以延迟初始化. 使用isInitialized检查lateinit变量是否初始化


kotlin中的接口可以包含抽象的和实现的方法和属性, 与abstract的区别是不能存储状态. 可以有属性 但是属性必须是open的或有accessors, 接口属性中没有Backing fields 类可以实现多个接口, 接口可以继承接口, 类只用实现没有实现过的方法和属性 使用override解决方法和属性签名冲突问题

interface MyInterface {
    val prop: Int // abstract

    val propertyWithImplementation: String
        get() = "foo"

    fun foo() {

class Child : MyInterface {
    override val prop: Int = 29

Functional (SAM) interfaces

SAM Single Abstract Method, 一个接口只有一个抽象方法. 在kotlin中可以有几个非抽象方法. SAM conversions, 可以使用lambda表达式.

fun interface IntPredicate {
   fun accept(i: Int): Boolean

// Creating an instance of a class
val isEven = object : IntPredicate {
   override fun accept(i: Int): Boolean {
       return i % 2 == 0

// Creating an instance using lambda
val isEven = IntPredicate { it % 2 == 0 }

1.6.20, kotlin 实现callable references

interface Printer {
    fun print()

fun Printer(block: () -> Unit): Printer = object : Printer { override fun print() = block() }


// Preserve the binary compatibility by marking the legacy function Printer with the @Deprecated annotation with DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN:
@Deprecated(message = "Your message about the deprecation", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun Printer(...) {...}

Type aliases, 只有一个属性, 不够灵活, 当表示复杂的类型名称的时候可以使用.

typealias IntPredicate = (i: Int) -> Boolean

Visibility modifiers

类, 对象, 接口, 构造函数, 方法都可以有可见性修饰, 属性的getter使用属性的可见性, setter可以单独指定可见性. 可见性默认为public






Extension functions

MutableList为接收类, swap为扩展函数, 函数中this表示MutableList当前对象.

fun <T> MutableList<T>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
    val tmp = this[index1] // 'this' corresponds to the list
    this[index1] = this[index2]
    this[index2] = tmp

扩展函数是静态实现, 不修改类内部. 扩展函数与内部函数签名冲突, 默认使用内部函数.

nullable supper

fun Any?.toString(): String {
    if (this == null) return "null"
    // after the null check, 'this' is autocast to a non-null type, so the toString() below
    // resolves to the member function of the Any class
    return toString()

Extension properties

val <T> List<T>.lastIndex: Int
    get() = size - 1

扩展属性不是真实的修改类的成员, 没有backing field. 不能初始化, 总是通过getter和setter访问.

Companion object extensions

伴生对象支持扩展函数和属性, 使用类名访问

Scope of extensions

通常在top-level中定义扩展, 使用时导入

// file 1
package org.example.declarations

fun List<String>.getLongestString() { /*...*/}

// file 2
package org.example.usage

import org.example.declarations.getLongestString

fun main() {
    val list = listOf("red", "green", "blue")

Declaring extensions as members

在一个类中声明另一个类的扩展函数或属性, 这时会有多个隐式接收者, 可以不用this限定符访问另一个类的成员. 如果扩展与原类成员签名冲突, 那么扩展胜出.

class Host(val hostname: String) {
    fun printHostname() { print(hostname) }

class Connection(val host: Host, val port: Int) {
    fun printPort() { print(port) }

    fun Host.printConnectionString() {
        printHostname()   // calls Host.printHostname()
        printPort()   // calls Connection.printPort()

    fun connect() {
        host.printConnectionString()   // calls the extension function

fun main() {
    Connection(Host(""), 443).connect()
    //Host("").printConnectionString()  // error, the extension function is unavailable outside Connection

扩展可以声明open与override, 这说明dispatch receiver type 是虚函数, extension receiver type是静态函数.

open class Base { }

class Derived : Base() { }

// extension receiver type
open class BaseCaller {
    open fun Base.printFunctionInfo() {
        println("Base extension function in BaseCaller")

    open fun Derived.printFunctionInfo() {
        println("Derived extension function in BaseCaller")

    fun call(b: Base) {
        b.printFunctionInfo()   // call the extension function

// dispatch receiver type
class DerivedCaller: BaseCaller() {
    override fun Base.printFunctionInfo() {
        println("Base extension function in DerivedCaller")

    override fun Derived.printFunctionInfo() {
        println("Derived extension function in DerivedCaller")

fun main() {
    BaseCaller().call(Base())   // "Base extension function in BaseCaller"
    DerivedCaller().call(Base())  // "Base extension function in DerivedCaller" - dispatch receiver is resolved virtually
    DerivedCaller().call(Derived())  // "Base extension function in DerivedCaller" - extension receiver is resolved statically

// Derived.printFunctionInfo 一直没有被调用过, 都是调用的Base.printFunctionInfo, 因为是静态调用.

Data classes

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

数据类必须有主构造函数, 主构造函数最少有一个参数, 参数必须使用val或者var修饰, 不能是abstract, open, sealed, inner.



On the JVM, if the generated class needs to have a parameterless constructor, default values for the properties have to be specified (see Constructors).

data class User(val name: String = "", val age: Int = 0)

数据类可以声明属性, 但是自动生成的函数不使用这些属性. copy()函数

val jack = User(name = "Jack", age = 1)
val olderJack = jack.copy(age = 2)

Standard data classes The standard library provides the Pair and Triple classes. In most cases, though, named data classes are a better design choice because they make the code more readable by providing meaningful names for the properties.

Sealed classes

封闭类是抽象类, 必须在编译时知道所有实现类. 编译过后不准继承实现. 封闭类只能包含抽象成员, 构造函数可见性只有protected(默认)和private 实现类必须跟封闭类同一个包. 枚举不能继承封闭类, 但是可以实现接口. 封闭类子类可以被扩展 Inheritance in multiplatform projects, 不能使用expectactual Sealed classes and when expression, 因为子类已经确定, 如果when覆盖了所有子类, 那么可以不用实现else

sealed interface Error

sealed class IOError(): Error

class FileReadError(val file: File): IOError()
class DatabaseError(val source: DataSource): IOError()

object RuntimeError : Error

Generics: in, out, where

declaration-site variance

// out variance annotation
interface Source<out T> {
    fun nextT(): T

fun demo(strs: Source<String>) {
    val objects: Source<Any> = strs // This is OK, since T is an out-parameter
    // ...


// in variance annotation
interface Comparable<in T> {
    operator fun compareTo(other: T): Int

fun demo(x: Comparable<Number>) {
    x.compareTo(1.0) // 1.0 has type Double, which is a subtype of Number
    // Thus, you can assign x to a variable of type Comparable<Double>
    val y: Comparable<Double> = x // OK!


type projections

fun copy(from: Array<out Any>, to: Array<Any>) { ... }


如果声明为interface Function<in T, out U>, 则可以使用:

Star-projections are very much like Java’s raw types, but safe.

Generic functions

fun <T> singletonList(item: T): List<T> {
    // ...

fun <T> T.basicToString(): String { // extension function
    // ...

Generic constraints

Upper bounds, 相当与java extends

fun <T : Comparable<T>> sort(list: List<T>) {  ... }

Type erasure

kotlin是在编译是泛型类型检查, 运行时类型也会擦除

Generics type checks and casts, 使用is

fun handleStrings(list: MutableList<String>) {
    if (list is ArrayList) {
        // `list` is smart-cast to `ArrayList<String>`

Unchecked casts, 使用as, 不进行运行时检查

fun readDictionary(file: File): Map<String, *> = file.inputStream().use {
    TODO("Read a mapping of strings to arbitrary elements.")

// We saved a map with `Int`s into this file
val intsFile = File("ints.dictionary")

// Warning: Unchecked cast: `Map<String, *>` to `Map<String, Int>`
val intsDictionary: Map<String, Int> = readDictionary(intsFile) as Map<String, Int>


Underscore operator for type arguments

The underscore operator _ can be used for type arguments, Use it to automatically infer a type of the argument when other types are explicitly specified

abstract class SomeClass<T> {
    abstract fun execute() : T

class SomeImplementation : SomeClass<String>() {
    override fun execute(): String = "Test"

class OtherImplementation : SomeClass<Int>() {
    override fun execute(): Int = 42

object Runner {
    inline fun <reified S: SomeClass<T>, T> run() : T {

fun main() {
    // T is inferred as String because SomeImplementation derives from SomeClass<String>
    val s =<SomeImplementation, _>()
    assert(s == "Test")

    // T is inferred as Int because OtherImplementation derives from SomeClass<Int>
    val n =<OtherImplementation, _>()
    assert(n == 42)

Nested and inner classes

kotlin 可以嵌套其它类和接口, 标记为inner为内部类, 维持外部类的引用, 可以访问外部类的成员. 可以使用object expression 创建医名内部类

window.addMouseListener(object : MouseAdapter() {

    override fun mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) { ... }

    override fun mouseEntered(e: MouseEvent) { ... }

Enum classes

enum class Color(val rgb: Int) {

Anonymous classes

enum class ProtocolState {
        override fun signal() = TALKING

        override fun signal() = WAITING

    abstract fun signal(): ProtocolState

Implementing interfaces in enum classes

enum class IntArithmetics : BinaryOperator<Int>, IntBinaryOperator {
    PLUS {
        override fun apply(t: Int, u: Int): Int = t + u
    TIMES {
        override fun apply(t: Int, u: Int): Int = t * u

    override fun applyAsInt(t: Int, u: Int) = apply(t, u)

Working with enum constants

EnumClass.valueOf(value: String): EnumClass
EnumClass.values(): Array<EnumClass>

Inline classes

实现包装器类, 但没有创建新堆栈和解包的开销, 允许创建方法和属性, 也有init块. 允许继承接口

// For JVM backends
value class Password(private val s: String)

The inline modifier for inline classes is deprecated.


kotlin会为每个inline class生成一个包装器, 一般情况会直接使用底层类型如: Int => int, Integer 如果其他情况就需要使用包装器类型.

interface I

value class Foo(val i: Int) : I

fun asInline(f: Foo) {}
fun <T> asGeneric(x: T) {}
fun asInterface(i: I) {}
fun asNullable(i: Foo?) {}

fun <T> id(x: T): T = x

fun main() {
    val f = Foo(42)

    asInline(f)    // unboxed: used as Foo itself
    asGeneric(f)   // boxed: used as generic type T
    asInterface(f) // boxed: used as type I
    asNullable(f)  // boxed: used as Foo?, which is different from Foo

    // below, 'f' first is boxed (while being passed to 'id') and then unboxed (when returned from 'id')
    // In the end, 'c' contains unboxed representation (just '42'), as 'f'
    val c = id(f)


因为kotlin会优先使用底层类型, 但在kotlin里会有类型冲突, 如: Int => int; UInt -> int都会转成一个签名. 解决这个冲突, kotlin会为Uint创建不一样的签名, fun compute(x: UInt) { } => public final void compute-(int x), 添加一些hashcode kotlin 1.4.30使用新的方案解决冲突, 与原兼容`-Xuse-14-inline-classes-mangling-scheme`

Calling from Java code

需要手动解决冲突, 使用@JvmName指定新的签名

value class UInt(val x: Int)

fun compute(x: Int) { }

fun compute(x: UInt) { }

Inline classes and delegation

interface MyInterface {
    fun bar()
    fun foo() = "foo"

value class MyInterfaceWrapper(val myInterface: MyInterface) : MyInterface by myInterface

fun main() {
    val my = MyInterfaceWrapper(object : MyInterface {
        override fun bar() {
            // body
    println( // prints "foo"

Object expressions

创建一个新的对象, 对原类进行细微修改, 而不需要创建新的子类.

Creating anonymous objects from scratch, 使用object创建匿名对象

val helloWorld = object {
    val hello = "Hello"
    val world = "World"
    // object expressions extend Any, so `override` is required on `toString()`
    override fun toString() = "$hello $world"

Inheriting anonymous objects from supertypes, 使用:可以使匿名对象继承超类, 必要时需要对超类传参

open class A(x: Int) {
    public open val y: Int = x

interface B { /*...*/ }

val ab: A = object : A(1), B {
    override val y = 15

Using anonymous objects as return and value types, 当匿名对象返回方法或者属性, 并且这个成员是私有并且不是内联时 使用通过这个成员访问这个匿名对象所有成员. 如果不是私有或者是内联, 那么匿名对象类型:

上面这3种情况创建的匿名对象, 成员都不可访问

class C {
    private fun getObject() = object {
        val x: String = "x"

    fun printX() {

Accessing variables from anonymous objects, 可以访问外部函数变量

Object declarations

对象声明不能是局部的 Singleton pattern

object DataProviderManager {
    fun registerDataProvider(provider: DataProvider) {
        // ...

    val allDataProviders: Collection<DataProvider>
        get() = // ...

Companion objects, 某些情况伴生对象名可以省略, 看起来像静态类, 但是是个实例对象, 可以继承接口 可以使用@JvmStatic修饰伴生对象, 生成真的静态成员

class MyClass {
    companion object Factory {
        fun create(): MyClass = MyClass()

val instance = MyClass.create()



kotlin 实现 Delegation pattern, 使用by, 编译器会保存Base对象, 通过Derived代理Base所有方法. 代理类可以重写方法, 代理类重写属性不会生效, 永远会调用被代理类的属性.

interface Base {
    fun printMessage()
    fun printMessageLine()

class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base {
    override fun printMessage() { print(x) }
    override fun printMessageLine() { println(x) }

class Derived(b: Base) : Base by b {
    override fun printMessage() { print("abc") }

fun main() {
    val b = BaseImpl(10)

Delegated properties

Lazy properties: the value is computed only on first access. Observable properties: listeners are notified about changes to this property. Storing properties in a map instead of a separate field for each property.

class Example {
    var p: String by Delegate()

import kotlin.reflect.KProperty

class Delegate {
    operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
        return "$thisRef, thank you for delegating '${}' to me!"

    operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: String) {
        println("$value has been assigned to '${}' in $thisRef.")

Standard delegates

Delegating to another property

一个属性可以委托给另一个属性, 用一个新属性替代旧属性时非常有用 The delegate property can be:

var topLevelInt: Int = 0
class ClassWithDelegate(val anotherClassInt: Int)

class MyClass(var memberInt: Int, val anotherClassInstance: ClassWithDelegate) {
    var delegatedToMember: Int by this::memberInt
    var delegatedToTopLevel: Int by ::topLevelInt

    val delegatedToAnotherClass: Int by anotherClassInstance::anotherClassInt
var MyClass.extDelegated: Int by ::topLevelInt

Storing properties in a map

class User(val map: Map<String, Any?>) {
    val name: String by map
    val age: Int     by map

val user = User(mapOf(
    "name" to "John Doe",
    "age"  to 25

Local delegated properties

fun example(computeFoo: () -> Foo) {
    val memoizedFoo by lazy(computeFoo)

    if (someCondition && memoizedFoo.isValid()) {

Type aliases

typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean

