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Flutter error

vscode 的flutter 插件大多是使用bash shell, 开发环境最好使用bash, 不能会有未知问题. 导致vscode中flutter命令一直执行, 不会结束, 或者执行错误.

1. Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier “com.example.*” cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to aunique string to try again. (in target ‘Runner’ from project ‘Runner’)

应用ID不合法, 需要换一个有意义的Bundle Identifier

2. error: module importing failed: invalid pathname dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Flutter.framework/Flutter


1. 运行在13.3.1以下的系统的真机
2. 换开发者证书
3. 使用模拟器

3. Error: Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework ‘App.framework’ was built for iOS(or iOS Simulator)

XCode升级造成这个错误, 原因是App.framework适用与真机设备, 不适用与模拟器. 需要删除App.framework后, 编译重新生成. 不管是模拟器切换成真机运行, 还是真机切换成模拟器运行, 都需要删除后重新生成.

rm -rf ios/Flutter/App.framework/
flutter run

4. * iPhone has denied the launch request. Internal launch error: process launch failed: failed to get the task for precess *


1. xcode 中配置启动Scheme
2. 取消Debug executable

5. device crashes on startup: code signature invalid for “path/to/Flutter.framework/Flutter”

同问题2, 在ios 13.4 beta3 修复

6. error: module importing failed: invalid pathname

Xcode 11.4.1 Swift 5.2.2 时报错, 不管编译Flutter 还是 iOS, 甚至直接运行Swift, 都会出现这个错误, 不清楚什么原因, 不影响使用.

7. Exception: Could not instantiate image codec

图片解析失败, 一般为不支持图片格式, 或者下载文件不全. 我这里是因为解压ipa包后 获得App切图, 在Finder中可以查看, 而放到Flutter中和使用GIMP中就打不开.

这是因为Xcode打包图片资源会使用pngcrush工具对图片资源进行优化, 解压ipa图片资 源不能支持使用, 需要还原原来格式.

8. Flutter Engine crashes due to ‘Failed to setup Skia Gr context

flutter 在 android 4.1 4.2 上运行报错Failed to setup Skia Gr context

Engine crashes due to ‘Failed to setup Skia Gr context’ #51447

flutter开发者说: 有可能是ARM skia运行在x86平台上导致的.

临时解决方案: futtler run --enable-software-rendering

9. error: Unexpected duplicate tasks: 1) Target ‘flutter_dong_scan’ (project ‘Pods’) has copy command from

Build Fails

10. 无法访问

将 修改为

11. 无法访问

[compile error, bad gateway](  


插件中也需要这么修改, 或者更新插件到最新版本.

12. flutter import Error: Error when reading ‘../../../../development/flutter/

一般是丢失了插件路径, 重新配置插件
flutter clean
flutter pub cache clean
flutter pub get
